Robotic training and clinical assessment of forearm and wrist movements after incomplete spinal cord injury: A case study

TitleRobotic training and clinical assessment of forearm and wrist movements after incomplete spinal cord injury: A case study
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2011
AuthorsYozbatiran, N, Berliner, J, Boake, C, O'Malley, MK, Kadivar, Z, Francisco, GE
Conference Name2011 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics
Date PublishedJune
Keywordsage 24 yr; arm motor function recovery; ASIA upper-extremity motor score; biomechanics; clinical assessment; electrically-actuated forearm; Forearm; forearm movement; forearm pronation; forearm supination; functional independence measure; functional tasks; grip; Haptic interfaces; Humans; injuries; Jebsen-Taylor hand function test; Joints; Male; medical robotics; Medical treatment; Muscles; neurophysiology; patient movement capabilities; Patient rehabilitation; Patient treatment; pinch strength; radial-ulnar deviation; rehabilitation applications; robotic training; Robots; Spinal Cord Injuries; spinal cord injury; training; Wrist; wrist extension; wrist flexion; wrist haptic exoskeleton device; wrist movement; Young Adult

The effectiveness of a robotic training device was evaluated in a 24-year-old male, cervical level four, ASIA Impairment Scale D injury. Robotic training of both upper extremities was provided for three hr/day for ten consecutive sessions using the RiceWrist, an electrically-actuated forearm and wrist haptic exoskeleton device that has been designed for rehabilitation applications. Training involved wrist flexion/extension, radial/ulnar deviation and forearm supination/pronation. Therapy sessions were tailored, based on the patient's movement capabilities for the wrist and forearm, progressed gradually by increasing number of repetitions and resistance. Outcome measures included the ASIA upper-extremity motor score, grip and pinch strength, the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function test and the Functional Independence Measure. After the training, improvements were observed in pinch strength, and functional tasks. The data from one subject provides valuable information on the feasibility and effectiveness of robotic-assisted training of forearm and hand functions after incomplete spinal cord injury.


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