Postdoctoral Fellows
Volkan Patoglu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Mechatronics Programme
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Ali Israr, Ph.D.
Disney Research
Kevin Bowen (MSME) Exxon Mobil Abhishek Gupta (PhD) Assistant Professor, India Institute of Technology (Bombay) Emilie Kopp (MSME) National Instruments Yanfang (Yvonne) Li (Ph.D.) Sam McJunkin , (Ph.D.) Exxon Mobil Brian Stiles, M.S. (Draper Fellow) Air Force Zachary Thompson (MSME) Sandia National Labs Fernando Zumbado (MME) Johnson Space Center, NASA Undergraduate Students
Greg Dachs (MECH) Purdue University, MSME Program Greg Giem (MECH) University of Texas at Austin, MSME Program John Glassmire (MECH) Northwestern Univ. ME Ph.D. Program Shannon Hughes (ELEC/MATH) University of California, Berkley Tony Kellems (CAAM) Rice University, CAAM Ph.D. Program Kenie Moses (ELEC) Southern Louisiana University Dane Powell (MECH) Rice University, ME MS/Ph.D. Program Sam Schnuer (MECH) NASA Sushi Suzuki (MECH) Stanford University, MSME Program Alan Sledd (MECH) Stanford University, MSME Program Cathy Schlembach (MECH) Shell Oil and Exploration Company Aimee Quon (MECH) University of Texas, MSME Program Keith Wait (MECH) Vanderbilt University, ME Ph.D. Program Jonny Wallace (MECH) Chevron Oil Company Ryder Winck (MECH) Georgia Institute of Technology, ME Ph.D. Program Lauren Bailey (MECH) Tyler Barth (PHYS) Jeb Britt (MECH) Matt Cuddihy (MECH) Brandon Chalifoux (MECH) Matthew Gen (COMP ) Deborah Huang (MECH) Kelsey Hughes (MECH) Derek Leach (MECH) Andrea Lubawy (MECH) Carlie Petrie (MECH) Gina Upperman (MECH) Rochelle Mellish (MECH) Brandon Chalifoux (MECH) High School Students
Regina Cagle (Booker T. Washington HS for the Engineering Professions) Alexander Hayman (Booker T. Washington HS for the Engr. Professions)