Modeling Electromechanical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems

TitleModeling Electromechanical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsZeng, Y, Rose, CG, Taha, W, Duracz, A, Atkinson, K, Philippsen, R, Cartwright, R, O'Malley, M
JournalJournal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER)
Start Page100
Date Published07/2016
KeywordsCyber-Physical Systems; Domain-Specific Language

Model-based tools have the potential to significantly improve the process of developing novel cyber-physical systems (CPS). In this paper, we consider the question of what language features are needed to model such systems. We use a small, experimental hybrid systems modeling language to show how a number of basic and pervasive aspects of cyber-physical systems can be modeled concisely using the small set of language constructs. We then consider four, more complex, case studies from the domain of robotics. The first, a quadcopter, illustrates that these constructs can support the modeling of interesting systems. The second, a serial robot, provides a concrete example of why it is important to support static partial derivatives, namely, that it significantly improves the way models of rigid body dynamics can be expressed. The third, a linear solenoid actuator, illustrates the language’s ability to integrate multiphysics subsystems. The fourth and final, a compass gait biped, shows how a hybrid system with non-trivial dynamics is modeled. Through this analysis, the work establishes a strong connection between the engineering needs of the CPS domain and the language features that can address these needs. The study builds the case for why modeling languages can be improved by integrating several features, most notably, partial derivatives, differentiation without duplication, and support for equations. These features do not appear to be addressed in a satisfactory manner in mainstream modeling and simulation tools.

Citation Key1784

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